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Прочитайте текст, переведите его на русский язык. Hello! My name’s Alex. I’m a student of the Pacific National Univercity in Kabarovsk. I’m in my first year and I major in Economics.

Дата добавления: 22.01.2025

Условие задачи

Прочитайте текст, переведите его на русский язык.

Ответьте на вопросы
1. What year is Alex in?
2. What subject does he major in?
3. When did Alex finish school?
4. What were his favourite subjects at school?
5. When did he decide to take up economics?
6. What state exams did he take?
7. What are his impressions about the first day at the institute?
8. What does student’s life look like?
9. How long does an academic year last?
10. How many terms are there at Russian universities?
11. When do students usually sit for their exams?
12. When do they receive their diplomas?
13. Does Alex have much free time?
14. What does he usually do on Sundays?
15. Why is it fun to have holidays?
16. What does he usually do in his winter and summer holidays?

Hello! My name’s Alex. I’m a student of the Pacific National Univercity in Kabarovsk. I’m in my first year and I major in Economics. 

It was only a year ago that I was a school-boy. I did well at school, and my favourite subjects were maths and computer science. First I thought to enter information science, but then I changed my mind and decided to take up economics. I took my school-leaving exams in maths, social science and Russian. I was successful and was admitted to the institute. 

The first day at the institute was unforgettable. We gathered in the Assembly Hall where the rector congratulated us on the beginning of the academic year and wished us success in our student’s life. We were given our student’s cards and record books. I made friends with many of my group-mates. 

Student’s life isn’t easy. We must study hard, attend lectures and seminars, make reports and write course papers. The university course lasts 4 years. An academic year is divided into 2 terms each ending in an examination session. At the end of each term students take pass-fail tests and sit for their exams. This summer I am having exams in history, mathematics and philosophy. On graduating students receive diplomas which give them the right to work according to their specialty. 

I am a student and must work very hard, so I always look forward to the weekends and holidays. On Sunday, I don’t have to hurry anywhere, that’s why I often have a lie-in. I do my bed, wash my face and go to the kitchen. I like to have something tasty for breakfast on Sunday: chicken or my favourite apple pie. After breakfast, if the weather is sunny, I usually don’t stay indoors, I go to see my friends. After dinner we usually visit our grandparents or relatives, or I just simply have a sleep. Sometimes I go to an art exhibition or to the concert. When it’s rainy I prefer staying at home and watching videos. 

At the university we have two holidays. It’s fun to have holidays, you can do whatever you like, you don’t have to get up early, go to classes and do your homework. In winter we have two-week holidays. I spend much of my time outdoors skiing and snowboarding. But I like summers holidays better because it’s much longer.


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Алекс. Я студент Тихоокеанского национального университета в Хабаровске. Я учусь на первом курсе на специальности по экономике.

Всего год назад я был школьником. Я хорошо учился в школе, и моими любимыми предметами были математика и информатика. Сначала я думал поступить на специалиста в области информационных технологий, но потом передумал и решил заняться экономикой. Я сдал выпускные экзамены по математике, обществознанию и русскому языку. Я сдал их успешно и был принят в институт.

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