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  4. Переведите текст с английского языка. The scope of a safety engineer is to perform their professional functions. Safety engineering...
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Переведите текст с английского языка. The scope of a safety engineer is to perform their professional functions. Safety engineering professionals must have education, training and experience in a common body of knowledge.

Дата добавления: 20.07.2024

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The scope of a safety engineer is to perform their professional functions. Safety engineering professionals must have education, training and experience in a common body of knowledge. They need to have a fundamental knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, statistics, mathematics, computer science, engineering mechanics, industrial processes, business, communication and psychology.

The major areas relating to the protection of people and the environment are:

1. Anticipate, identity and evaluate hazardous conditions and practices.

2. Develop hazard control designs, methods, procedures and programs.

3. Implement, administer and advise others on hazard control programs.

4. Draft a future safety plan and statement based on real time experiences and facts.



В сферу деятельности инженера по технике безопасности входит выполнение своих профессиональных функций. Специалисты по технике безопасности должны иметь образование, профессиональную подготовку и опыт работы в общем объёме...


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