Условие задачи
1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст, выполните задания к нему.
When you plan to go somewhere by plane, you are supposed to do everything in advance. First, a ticket is bought, usually several days before the flight. You take your passport to the ticket office of the airline you choose and you are sold a ticket for the flight you want. Then, already at home, you take up a more difficult job – everything must be packed! Attention – if you take too many things and pack several suitcases for only one person, the luggage will be overweight and you will be asked to pay for the amount not included in the ticket.
At last the day of your departure comes and you take a bus to the air terminal. Don’t forget that the tickets are registered two hours before the flight and latecomers are not welcomed, come in due time and save your own nerves. If going by bus doesn’t seem to be quick enough, better take a taxi. And please be prepared for many check-ups.
When you arrive at the airport, you are taken straight to a walk-through detector and your luggage is x-rayed by security cameras. Then you are allowed to the passenger waiting area and wait till your flight is called. As the announcement of your flight is being made, you are also told which number check- in desk to go to. There your passport and ticket are checked and your things, which have already been checked at the entrance, are searched again. You keep the hand luggage with you, but your suitcases are x-rayed once more and taken to the plane on a conveyor belt. On international flights the luggage is often searched by a security officer, and even the body search is allowed, though it is a rare case. Then you go through another detector and the boarding procedure is over. You can now go to the departure lounge.
Soon the time to board the plane comes. You are either told which number gate takes you to the ramp and straight on board your plane, or a special bus comes to take passengers to the plane somewhere in the middle of the airfield. On board you are met by your flight attendant and shown to your seat. At last you can sit and do nothing – your job of coming to the airport and boarding the plane is over, the job of the air crew that welcomes the passengers on board starts.
While the plane is being taxied to its starting position, the air hostess announces the names of the pilot and copilot and gives the passengers all the information about the plane, safety equipment, the speed and altitude at which you will be flying. Everyone is asked to fasten the seat belts. You make yourself comfortable and get ready for the take-off. Don’t be nervous – going somewhere by plane is much safer than going to the same place by car. Soon you will reach your place of destination and will be met at the airport by relatives or friends.
2. Подберите к каждому слову пару с похожим значением. Запишите и переведите полученные пары слов.
Когда вы планируете отправиться куда-нибудь на самолете, вы должны все сделать заранее. Сначала приобретается билет, обычно за несколько дней до рейса. Вы приносите свой паспорт в кассу выбранной вами авиакомпании, и вам продают билет на нужный вам рейс. Затем, уже дома, вы принимаетесь за более сложную работу все нужно упаковать! Внимание если вы возьмете слишком много вещей и упакуете несколько чемоданов только для одного человека, у багажа будет избыточный вес, и вас попросят оплатить сумму, не включенную ...