Условие задачи
Read the text and say what the most popular sports in Britain are.
The British attitude to sport is somewhat different from, say, American. For a start they prefer sports of a more gentle and relaxed nature, such as cricket and bowls. For the British it’s the taking part that’s important, not winning (well, that’s the theory anyway). It’s all about fair play and acting like a gentleman on the sports field. If a Brit loses a game, he’ll say something like this, “Good job there. The best man won,” even though it was a crushing defeat. However, this is all superficial and insincere, as deep down the British hate losing as much as anyone. They’re just used to it, and very good at hiding it.
Sport is very popular in Britain, and a lot of British people like the idea of sport; a lot even watch sport, especially on the TV. However, the number of those who actively take part in sport is probably quite small. On the whole, British people prefer to be fat rather than fit.
The most popular spectator sport is football. Football is played on a Saturday afternoon in most British towns and the fans, or supporters, of a particular team will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. There are four divisions of the football league. Not surprisingly the best teams are in the first division. However, the best supporters are often in the fourth division football!
Many other sports are also played in Britain, including golf, in which you try to knock a ball into a hole; croquet, in which you try to knock a ball through some hoops; basketball, in which you try to get a ball through a net; tennis, in which you try to hit a ball so that your opponent cannot hit it and cricket which is played with a ball, but is otherwise incomprehensible.
As you can see, if the ball had not been invented, there would have been no sport. Actually, that's not quite true. Athletics is not played with a ball; nor is horse-racing. Perhaps that explains why they are not so popular as football.
Британское отношение к спорту несколько отличается от, скажем, американского. Для начала они предпочитают виды спорта более мягкого и расслабленного характера, такие как крикет и боулинг. Для англичан важно участие, а не победа (ну, это теория). Все дело в честной игре и в том, чтобы вести себя как джентльмен на спортивной площадке. Если британец проигрывает игру, он говорит что-то вроде: Хорошая работа. Победил сильнейший, хотя это было сокрушительное поражение. Однако все это поверхностно и неискренне, так как в глубине души британцы ненавидят проигрывать как никто д...