Условие задачи
Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
домашнее хозяйство, брать взаймы, финансовые посредники, государственная лицензия, открывать депозит, выписывать чек, система клиринговых расчетов, урегулировать, межбанковские счета, бухгалтерский отчет (баланс), краткосрочный, долгосрочный, приносящий проценты (2), быть выплаченным, большая доля (часть), фондовая биржа, ценные бумаги.
Banking and Financial Markets
A commercial bank borrows money from the public, crediting them with a deposit. The deposit is a liability of the bank. It is the money owed to depositors. In turn the bank lends money to firms, households, or governments wishing to borrow.
Commercial banks are financial intermediaries with a government license to make loans and issue deposits, including deposits against which cheques can be written.
Major important banks in most countries are included in the clearing system in which debts between banks are settled by adding up all the transactions in a given period and paying only the net amounts needed to balance inter-bank accounts.
The balance sheet of a bank includes assets and liabilities. Cash assets are notes and coins kept in their vaults and deposited with the Central Bank. The balance sheet also shows money lent out or used to purchase short-term interest-earning assets such as loans and bills.
Bills are financial assets to be repurchased by the original borrower within a year or less. Loans refer to lending to households and firms and are to be repaid by a certain date. Loans appear to be the major share of bank lending. Securities show bank purchases of interest-bearing long-term financial assets. These can be government bonds or industrial shares. Since these assets are traded daily on the Stock Exchange, these securities seem to be easy to cash whenever the bank wishes, though their price fluctuates from day to day.
The liability side of the balance sheet includes, mainly, deposits. The two most important kinds of deposits are sure to be sight deposits and time deposits. Sight deposits can be withdrawn on sight whenever the depositor wishes. Before time deposits can be withdrawn, a minimum period of notification must be given within which banks can sell off some of their high-interest securities or call in some of their high-interest loans in order to have the money to pay out to depositors.
домашнее хозяйство - households
брать взаймы lend money
финансовые посредники - financial mediator
государственная лицензия - a government license
открывать депозит - issue deposits