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  4. 1. Change one letter only in each of the words below to produce a familiar phrase. TAME FOOD CART ON 2. Which two words are...
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решение задачи на тему:

1. Change one letter only in each of the words below to produce a familiar phrase. TAME FOOD CART ON 2. Which two words are most opposite in meaning?

Дата добавления: 28.11.2024

Условие задачи

1. Change one letter only in each of the words below to produce a familiar phrase.



2. Which two words are most opposite in meaning?

commendable, plausible, banal, unlikely, receptive, offensive


3. Inside is to magma as outside is to:

sulphur, lava, crust, plate, earth, erupt


4. GLACIATED MAT is an anagram of which two words, four letters and eight letters long, which are opposite in meaning?


5. Which word in brackets is most similar in meaning to the word in capitals?

PENITENT (pervasive, apologetic, impecunious, callous, invasive)


6. Only one set of fi ve letters below can be arranged to spell out a fi ve-letter English word. Find the word.







7. Find two eight-letter words that have opposite meanings by reading clockwise and, for each word, taking one letter at a time from each circle. Both words start at a different circle, but all
letters in each word are in the correct order. Use each letter once each only.


8. What is the meaning of assiduous?

a. living a strict life

b. forceful

с. persevering

d. ingenious

e. harsh or acidic

9) Find a familiar phrase reading clockwise. You have to fi nd the starting point and insert the missing letters. Only alternate letters are shown.


1. Change one letter only in each of the words below to produce a familiar phrase.


Take good care of

2. Which two words are most opposite in meaning?

commendable, plausible, banal, unlikely, receptive, offensive


3. Inside is to magma as outside is to:

sulphur, lava, crust, plate, earth, erupt

4. GLACIATED MAT is an anagram of which two words, four letters an...


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