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  4. Analyse this fragment I’d like to analyze the story ‘Search Through the Streets of the City’ by an English novelist and short...
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решение задачи на тему:

Analyse this fragment I’d like to analyze the story ‘Search Through the Streets of the City’ by an English novelist and short-story writer Irwin Shaw. The author is famous for

Дата добавления: 11.12.2024

Условие задачи

Analyze this fragment of the short story "Searching the Streets of the City" by the English novelist and short story author Irwin Shaw. 


Id like to analyze the story Search Through the Streets of the City by an English novelist and short-story writer Irwin Shaw. The author is famous for tackling in his novels moral and political problems. The story under analysis is no exception.

It is about the meeting of two former lovers, Paul and Harriet. He recalled every little incident, the girl having married since their last meeting pretended, she didn't remember anything about it.

Well, the events of the plot are localized - they are set in in the USA, in New York, in 1940s, as it goes from the exposition. The setting plays a very impor...


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