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  4. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is your specialty? 2. What is welding? 3. Where is it used? 4. When did it appear...
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решение задачи на тему:

Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is your specialty? 2. What is welding? 3. Where is it used? 4. When did it appear? 5. What processes were used before the invention of welding?

Дата добавления: 12.12.2024

Условие задачи

Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is your specialty?

2. What is welding?

3. Where is it used?

4. When did it appear?

5. What processes were used before the invention of welding?

6. What are the main types of welding?

7. What does the welding process depend on?

8. What is the role of welding in modern industry?

9. What kind of person should a welding engineer be?

10. Where do students have practical training?

11. What is the main task of young engineers?

My specialty is Welding Equipment and Technology. 

Welding is a process of joining together pieces of metal or metallic parts by the application of heat, pressure or a combination of both. Welding finds widespread application in almost all branches of industry. It is extensively employed in the fabrication and erection of steel structures in industrial construction and civil engineering. 

The history of welding is not very long. It appeared only in the first half of the 20-th century. Nowadays it is used instead of bolting and riveting in the construction of bridges, buildings and ships. It is also a basic process in the manufacture of machinery, in motor and aircraft industries. It is necessary al- most in all branches where metals are used. 

There are two main groups of welding processes: pressure welding and heat welding which are further subdivided into the following types: gas welding, electric welding, arc welding, as well as laser welding, electron-beam welding and some other types. The welding process depends greatly on the metal properties, the purpose of their application and the available equipment. 

The science and technology of welding brought about a real technical revolution in heavy engineering, shipbuilding, power engineering and the construction industry. It also has an important part to play in the future world. Without welding interplanetary liners cannot be built, welding is necessary for building launching sites on other planets and in outer space. All metal-working plants of the future will include welding installations. Without welding modern production would be impossible. 

Welding processes are rather complex and demand much theoretical knowledge and practical skill. A welding engineer must be well educated in different sciences. That’s why a lot of common and special subjects are included in the curriculum of our University. Students also have an opportunity to get practical training in the workshops of our University and at industrial enterprises of our city. 

Demand for highly-qualified welders is rather high. Engineers in this field have a wide range of job opportunities. They can work at any industrial enterprise connected with welding processes. Welding plays an important role in modern production and the main task of young engineers is to apply all their skill and knowledge for further development of welding industry. 


1.What is your specialty?

My specialty is Welding Equipment and Technology.

2. What is welding?

Welding is a process of joining together pieces of metal or metallic parts by the application of heat, pressure or a combination of both.

3. Where is it used?

Welding finds widespread application in almost all branches of industry.

4. When did it appear?

It appeared only in the first half of the 20-th century

5. What processes were used before the invention of wel...


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