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  4. Complete the following sentences using enough with one of these words: big, clean, old, warm, well, chairs, experience, cups...
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решение задачи на тему:

Complete the following sentences using enough with one of these words: big, clean, old, warm, well, chairs, experience, cups, money, qualifications, room, time, food.

Дата добавления: 26.12.2024

Условие задачи

Complete the following sentences using enough with one of these words: big, clean, old, warm, well, chairs, experience, cups, money, qualifications, room, time, food. 

1. It’s only a small car. There isn’t …. for all of you. 2. Do you think I’ve got …. to apply for the job? 3. He didn’t get the job because he didn’t have ….. . 4. I can’t make coffee for everybody. There aren’t ….. in the office. 5. Are you ….. ? Or shall I switch on the heating? 6. We would like to buy a Mercedes but we haven’t got ….. . 7. My brother didn’t feel …. to go to work this morning. 8. Try this jacket and see if it’s …..  for you. 9. There weren’t …. for everyone to sit down. 10. The water was not …. to swim in. 11. Graham didn’t finish the test. He didn’t have ….. . 12. There is not …… to feed the company of twelve.


1. Its only a small car. There isnt enough room for all of you. 2. Do you think Ive got enough qualifications to apply for the job? 3. He didnt get the job because he didnt have enough experience. 4. I cant make coffee for everybody. There arent enough cups in the of...


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