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  4. Напишите эссе на английском языке о культуре Лондона. London is the main center of cultural life in Great Britain. Many cultural...
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Напишите эссе на английском языке о культуре Лондона. London is the main center of cultural life in Great Britain. Many cultural institutions are concentrated in the West End.

Дата добавления: 13.12.2024

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Напишите эссе на английском языке о культуре Лондона.



London is the main center of cultural life in Great Britain. Many cultural institutions are concentrated in the West End. The largest theaters and cinemas are located in the Leicester Square area between Shaftesbury Avenue and Trafalgar Square. To the north of the Strand is another theatrical center: it includes the Royal Opera House (Covent Garden), famous for its ballet and opera, and the famous Theater Royal on Drury Lane. A number of experimental theatres, such as the Mermaid Theater in the City, were opened after the Second World War. On the south bank of...


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