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Дата добавления: 09.12.2024

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Gutenberg's work and his invention, printing with movable lead type, in the middle of the fifteenth century triggered a revolution in book production. A much greater proportion of the population had the chance to acquire education, culture, and information than had ever been possible with hand-written books. Consequently, illiteracy decreased in the following centuries. Books continued to be colored by hand even after Gutenberg's invention, so that very colorful volumes of high quality comparable to earlier ones were still produced. 

For over 500 years letterpress was the dominant printing technology for books. Only when phototypesetting and lithographic printing became widespread in the 1970s did the printed book turn into a low-cost mass medium. It was not only more efficient production processes but also the availability of inexpensive paper that were decisive reasons for the breakthrough of books as mass media. The printed book developed its independent appearance over time. The form of the type used moved away from imitated script types to its own type forms.

The number of new book titles produced has grown continually since Gutenberg's invention. Even today, in the age of electronic media, annual growth rates in book production are still recorded. With close to eighty thousand titles produced annually, Germany is one of the biggest markets for books in the world today. The extensive range of books is classified on the one hand in terms of content; on the other, it extends from high-quality, thread-stitched leather volumes with a gilt edge to simple perfect-bound pocket books/ paperbacks. Books are offered both in one color (book printing) as well as in top-quality multicolor art publications. 


Along with advertising inserts, which we come across every day in newspapers and magazines, there is a large market for leaflets and product descriptions. Such printed matter is referred to as brochures. Unlike magazines and newspapers, they are not published periodically. Brochures are commercial print work. Another significant difference from newspapers or magazines is the usually low print volume of brochures. 

Today, brochures are generally printed in color and are available either as folded individual sheets or bound copies. They are of of better quality than newspapers. Brochures are mainly used to describe something particular (e.g., company, product). Brochures are mostly used for advertising; therefore, production costs are normally borne by the advertiser and not by the reader. 


Packaging represents another important group of printed products. It can be made of very different materials such as paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, and so on. In the first place, packaging is used to protect the actual goods inside, but it also makes for an attractive presentation. At the same time packaging is also printed on to provide information about the package content. All the major printing technologies are used for printing packaging — often in a combination of several technologies. 



1. Books in our life

2. What is brochure?

3. Other printed media

Содержание текста

Gutenberg's work and his invention triggered a revolution in book production. Many people had the chance to acquire education, culture, and information than had ever been possible with hand-written books.

Letterpress was the dominant printing technology for books for many years. Only when phototypesetting and lithographic printing became widespread in the 1970s did the printed book turn into a low-cost mass medium. The form of the type used moved away from imitated script types to its own type forms. Even today, ...


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