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The Profession of a Doctor
In answer to a question what profession is the most important everyone will answer in different ways. In answer to a question what profession is the most difficult and stressful everyone in the first place will mention such man professions as fireman, rescue worker, policeman or serviceman. Scientists and workers of mental labor are the most competent.
But I think there is a profession that combines all these characteristics. They are doctors. A doctor not only does therapy but also takes preventive measures and makes diagnosis of diseases and traumas. To make a diagnosis correctly, do patient workup, get on the right side of every patient and put on medication professionally is the entire art of medical science. A doctor must put on medication correctly and make sure that medical drugs are compatible. Besides, his actions should be governed by health protection law. The specialist should know not only how to administer medical and preventive aid but also how to administer emergency medical aid. He or she should know how to act in the cases of accidents and disasters.
Before his professional occupation a doctor in our country swears to comply with the principles given in "Physician's Oath" (1999). The oath includes 8 ethical principles and obligations.
Hippocratic oath is the most popular and ancient oath of doctor. The oath includes 9 ethical principles and obligations:
1) obligation to teachers, colleagues and pupils,
2) principle of non-hurting,
3) obligation of administration (principle of mercy),
4) principle of attendance and dominance of patient's interests,
5) principle of respect for the life and negative attitude to euthanasia,
6) principle of respect for the life and negative attitude to abortion,
7) obligation of refusal from sexual relationships with patients,
8) obligation of self-improvement,
9) medical secrecy (confidence).
Nowadays the oath has got old as modern medicine allows abortion and surgical service of gravel. Besides that in the original oath it was forbidden to cure a slave without agreement of a master.
Profession of a doctor is quite a difficult profession. As many other professions profession of a doctor has advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages include:
- honor and respect from the public;
- good financial reward as an appreciation;
- doctors are always familiar with the latest news in the sphere of medicine and know a lot of new and effective methods of treatment. Moreover, they can render medical assistance to their relatives any time they need it;
- great demand for highly qualified specialists.
The disadvantages are:
- non-standard work day;
- high emotional strain;
- adverse working conditions;
- high level of responsibility;
- long period of education. Medicine is a science that requires a lot of time to master it appropriately. That is why students have to study for the longest periods of time to become good experts in medicine.
In the heat of our life every man takes care of daily bread. Problems of health fall by the wayside. And we remember about ourselves only when it is late. In many cases we can't dispense with specialists. Doctors do everything possible and even impossible to help us to return to normal and regular life.
How often people of this profession have to rescue lives. Everything depends on their qualification, ability to take correct and timely decision. One cannot make a mistake as the price of mistake is a human life.
Nowadays medicine is constantly developing. New diseases call new knowledge. Besides, skill and knowledge of a doctor are not limited only by area of medicine. The true specialist should be also a good psychologist. He should manage to listen to a patient, understand, calm him, bring hope, confidence and faith, convince of correct medical treatment. Many people don't care about their health and this stubbornness prevents recovery process.
From my point of view not everyone can be a doctor.
It is necessary to be quiet all time. Doctor should be quiet and firm externally and stay calm in any situation. There can be different events in his personal life but when he comes to his patient he should think only about him, be sick by his pain, live by idea how to help him quickly and correctly. Quietness and firmness of doctor are passed to patient and help him to recover.
It is necessary to be attentive and understanding. Patient will not believe inattentive doctor. Any blurt of doctor can frighten him and he loses faith in cure.
It is necessary to be courageous. After all he has to be the first in the places where fatal epidemic rages. He shouldn't be afraid of to take care of such patients from which he can get infection. Doctor must take decisions quickly and not fear to take responsibility for such decision.
Doctor must be self-sacrificing and always hold the fort. He can be called to patient at any time of day or night or even when he or his relatives are ill.
Doctor also should be curious and hardworking. He must always increase knowledge in order to practice modern treatment methods and to use up-to-date public health breakthrough.
And the most important thing is that doctor must take every patient heart fully and reverently regardless of patient's spirit, social status, disease severity.
Thus, it is necessary to be attentive, patient, quiet, kind and at the same time to be responsible, firm and to take decisions fast. It should be a person committed to his profession, a person who is aware of importance and seriousness of this profession, a person who is not afraid of difficulties, dangers, a person who is ready to give life over to helping people, a person who is ready to learn and develop constantly.
If you are struggling with whether or not medicine is right for you, the first thing to do is take a realistic look at what it takes to get there and what the job of becoming a doctor Russia is actually like. Many factors must be considered when making the decision. Do you have the right personality to be a doctor? Do you have the perseverance to complete the training? Do you have the ability to get good grades? Are you a good test taker? Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices to get through medical university? And finally, do you have a strong desire to help people?
Some people have known their entire life that they wanted to become a Doctor. They choose a straight path from school to medical college or university, never wavering or considering other careers. For others, making the decision can be difficult. They must do some soul-searching, take an unbiased look at the profession, and an objective look at their own personality and abilities.
Becoming a doctor takes time. It takes 5-6 years in medical university.
Diagnosing a health problem and planning the course of treatment requires a sharp analytical mind. A simple headache may have several causes, connected to different parts of body. Our anatomy is a complex structure each related to each part in some way or the other. The common patient does not know this. The doctor has to analyze all possibilities logically go to the root of the problem. Not all patients are aware or knowledgeable enough to tell about all the symptoms or their medical history. The doctor has to find out and zero in on the cause out of the several possible causes. You have to logically weigh every risk involved.
Being smart and doing well in the sciences are obviously important components of being a successful physician. Although this is a necessary requirement, you must also be able to relate well with people.
As a physician you have an opportunity to help others. Wanting to help others and enjoying helping others are necessary attributes of a good physician. This is something that cannot be taught. However, if helping others is important to you, but being a doctor is not the right fit, there are many other physician career options you can consider. And keep in mind that politicians, religious leaders, and social workers all have the opportunity to help others, perhaps in larger numbers.
Medicine is a career filled with choices. In what other career can you choose between delivering babies, taking care of children, handling emergencies, removing someone's cancer, or talking to someone who needs psychiatric help? Better yet, you can teach others your medical specialty, while still practicing your profession. Alternately, you can do research in whatever specialty you choose, with the potential to make a real breakthrough in preventing or treating illness. In addition, being a physician is honorable and is held in high esteem. It allows you to live just about anywhere, and provides job security (unfortunately, illness is something that will be around for the foreseeable future).
However, all of this comes at a price. The many years of preparation, the discipline, the awesome responsibility, the worry about malpractice and the long hours can take their toll. Medicine is a unique field and it demands a unique person.
Once an ancient Wiseman said present-day words: "The doctor should have an eye of falcon, hands of the girl, snake's wisdom and lion's heart". Unselfishness, a great desire to help people, love of profession are qualities that should be in a doctor. And words from the Hippocratic Oath must go with them all life: "Whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the convenience and advantage of the patient".
Профессия врача
На вопрос какая профессия самая важная, каждый ответит по-разному. А если спросить, какая самая трудная и напряженная, пожалуй, в первую очередь назовут тяжелые мужские специальности, вспомнят о пожарниках, спасателях, милиционерах или военных. Самыми знающими назовут ученых, всех работников умственного труда.
Но, по моему мнению, существуют люди, работа которых объединяет все названные характеристики. И люди эти врачи. Доктор занимается не только терапией, но и профилактикой и диагностикой различных заболеваний и травм. Правильно поставить диагноз, провести исследование больног...