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  4. Подтвердите или опровергните информацию о семье Хэлен. Начните с фразы «it is right/it is wrong»: 1. Helen is 17. 2. Helen...
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решение задачи на тему:

Подтвердите или опровергните информацию о семье Хэлен. Начните с фразы «it is right/it is wrong»: 1. Helen is 17. 2. Helen is not Russian. 3. Helen lives in a small town. 4. Helen's family is big.

Дата добавления: 22.01.2025

Условие задачи

Подтвердите или опровергните информацию о семье Хэлен. Начните с фразы «it is right/it is wrong»:

1. Helen is 17.
2. Helen is not Russian.
3. Helen lives in a small town.
4. Helen's family is big.
5. Helen's father is a psychologist.
6. Helen's family has their own house.
7. Helen and her mother are good friends.
8. Helen's mother doesn’t like to do work about the house.
9. Helen's mother prefers reading.
10. Helen's mother doesn’t work.
11. Helen's sister is a student.
12. Helen's sister is a charming girl.
13. Helen's best friend is Sveta.
14. Helen has many things in common with her friend.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Helen. My second name is Ivanovna. And my surname is Krilova. My friends call me by my first name, Helen. I am Russian by nationality. I live in Volgograd, Gagarina Street, 12. It is a beautiful street. I live with my parents in a block of flats on the second floor. Our family is not large. It consists of four members: my father, mother, sister and me.

My father's name is Ivan Andreevich. He is a doctor by profession. I think that he is talented and creative. My father is specialized in psychology. He deals with a lot of people. He says that he likes his work.

My mother's name is Olga. I adore her. My mother and me are good friends. She is a charming woman and a keen housewife. She can do many things. She sews, knits, cooks. Besides she is fond of books and computers. My mother is interested in theatre. She prefers drama.

As for my sister Sveta, she is only a schoolgirl. She is only twelve. She  looks like my mother but she takes after my father in character. I think that she is a naughty girl but my parents love her.

We have many relatives. They live far from us. We visit them sometimes. I miss my grandmother and grandfather.

My best friend's name is Masha. She is 17. She is a reliable partner. Masha  is fond of music. She sings very well. We like to spend our free time together. Masha and me are classmates. So we have many things in common. We are interested in arts. We both prefer drama. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to the theatre together. We are fond of reading books. Masha prefers to read science fiction. Her favourite writer is Lemm. As for me, I prefer...


1. Helen is 17. - it is right

2. Helen is not Russian. - it is wrong

3. Helen lives in a small town. - it is wrong

4. Helen's family is big. - it is wrong

5. Helen's father is a psychologist. - it is right



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