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  4. What is the difference between the following synonyms: 1) research 2) survey 3) exploration 4) examination What is the difference...
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решение задачи на тему:

What is the difference between the following synonyms: 1) research 2) survey 3) exploration 4) examination What is the difference between the following synonyms: 1) research 2) survey 3) exploration 4) examination 5) analysis

Дата добавления: 26.12.2024

Условие задачи

What is the difference between the following synonyms:
1) research
2) survey
3) exploration
4) examination
5) analysis
6) fact-fi nding
7) investigation
8) enquiry (inquiry)
9) study
10) discovery


1) research - a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding

2) survey - an examination of opinions, behavior, etc., made by asking people questions

3) exploration - the activity of searching and finding out about something

4) ...


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